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Showing posts with the label Audit

Comparison of Format of Profit & Loss Account and Balance Sheet of IND AS Compliant & Other Companies

Sr Particulars DIVISION I DIVISION II 1 Applicability Applicable for a company whose financials are prepared in compliance with Accounting Standards as per Companies ( Accounting Standards ) Rules, 2006. Applicable for a company whose financials are prepared in compliance with IND AS  as per Companies ( Indian Accounting Standards ) Rules, 2015. 2 Disclosure based on materiality No such disclosure based on materiality stated. The items individually or collectively influence the economic decision of the user are material items and such items shall be disclosed. 3 Disclosures by other Acts No specific requirement. The disclosures required by any Act or Regulation shall be in addition to disclosures specified in this schedule. 4 Components of  Financial Statement Financial Statement component specified  – (1) Balance Sheet (2) Statement of P&L (3) Notes Financial Statement component specified  – (1) Balance Sheet (2) Statement of Changes in Equity (3) State...

Practical issues in Presumptive Taxation – 44AD, 44ADA & 44AE

Under section 44AD from if the Turnover of an assessee being resident individual, HUF, Partnership Firm (not being a LLP) and who is not claiming deduction under section 10A, 10AA, 10B &10BA or deduction under Chapter VI A under the heading ‘C -Deductions in respect of certain Incomes’ and derives income from any business except business in respect of plying, hiring or leasing goods carriages referred to in section 44AE is less than Rs. 2 Crores, then 8% of the turnover shall be deemed to be the income from Business, unless he declares more than that and any deduction allowable under sections from 30 to 38 shall deemed to have been allowed. Up to Asst Year 2016-17 in the case of Firms interest and salary were specifically allowed as deduction subject to limits specified under section 40(b). Once the Assessee has offered income under this scheme and if in any subsequent year if lower income is offered he shall not be eligible to claim the benefit of this section for next five ...

Scope in Internal Audit

Internal Audit Audit technique underlying internal auditing is derived from management consulting and public accounting professions, the theory of internal auditing was conceived primarily by Lawrence Sawyer (1911-2002), often referred to as "the father of modern internal auditing"

Auditors Can Deliver Accurate, Swift Results with Integrated Business Intelligence Tools

When an enterprise engages in an audit process, it must have access to data from numerous systems and sources. This data will play a crucial role in gathering facts, analyzing processes, getting to the heart of issues and problems, uncovering and mitigating risk and reporting findings. A stable, high-performance business intelligence solution can create a dependable, accessible environment in which to analyze and report findings in a way that is meaningful to the auditor's role and responsibilities, and provide flexible tools to translate and convert findings into reports that are easily understood by management teams, executives and others. When an enterprise or audit team can leverage the existing technology and systems investments to compile, integrate and deliver information, it will face fewer obstacles and deliver results in a more timely, and cost-effective manner. BI Tools can help the enterprise in the short-term and in the long-term by providing a scalable, self-se...

Standards on Auditing - Not a choice but a compulsion

What are Auditing Standards? The Standards on Auditing is an area which requires greater focus of CA in practice as well as our administrative bodies who are updating our members. The Companies Act 2013 has discussed it in detail which was absent in erstwhile act. As per Sec 2 (7) “auditing standards” means the standards of auditing or any addendum thereto for companies or class of companies referred to in sub-section (10) of section 143. Sec 143 (9) reads “Every auditor shall comply with the auditing standards.”                 As per Sec 143 (10) The Central Government may prescribe the standards of auditing or any addendum thereto, as recommended by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, constituted under section 3 of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949, in consultation with and after examination of the recommendations made by the National Financial Reporting Authority: Provided that until any auditing standards ar...