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Showing posts with the label Blogger

An update to the Blogger post editor to help with mixed content

Back in September , we announced that HTTPS support was coming to, making it possible for you to encrypt connections to your blog; since then, many of you have enabled HTTPS for your blogs. In some cases, not all of your blog’s functionality has worked over HTTPS due to mixed content errors often stemming from your template, gadgets, or blog post content. To help spot and fix some of these errors, we're releasing a mixed content warning tool that alerts you to possible mixed content issues in your posts, and gives you the option to fix them automatically before saving.

How to Add Adsense Ads In the Middle or Anywhere inside Blogger Posts

In a previous post we saw  how and where we can place Adsense ads on our blog ; however, these methods would only work when we place the ads on predetermined and fixed locations. For posts area, the most common places are below the title, at the beginning of the post or at the end of the post. But what if we want to display an AdSense ad in the middle of a post? We can manipulate the location of the ads to be displayed by adding a script inside the template and using a tag inside our post to where we want the AdSense ad to appear. Once added, we can place the ads anywhere, be it between paragraphs or in the middle of the content etc. Manually inserting Adsense ads in the middle of posts in Blogger is pretty simple, just follow these steps below: Before proceeding, it is recommended do backup your template (go to Template  > click on the  Backup/restore  button) Step 1.  First thing we need to do is to  "parse" the AdSense code , in other words, convert it to

Tutorial: Adding Pages to Blogger Blog (UPDATED)

Blogger made an update recently to the way that pages are added to blogs. Here is an updated tutorial that will walk you through the new process, step by step. Adding pages (aka: a navigation bar or menu bar) is a great way to organize your blog to make important information easily accessible to your readers. Designer Blogs offers several types of navigation bars:   a navigation bar with simple text links ,  a navigation bar with custom buttons , and  a navigation bar with drop-down menu  (click on links for examples). These navigation bars are customized to give your blog a unique & professional look and can be purchased through our  accessories shop . However, you may just want the basic, non-customized Blogger navigation bar, so today we are sharing a tutorial that explains how to get pages and a basic navigation bar added to your Blogger blog all on your own! Steps for adding pages to your blog: Step 1:  Log in to the Blogger blog you are wanting to add pages to and

10 Places to put Adsense ads in Blogger

In this article we'll talk about the most common 10 places in our blog where we can add AdSense ads and about how we can implement these and we'll get to know as well which are the most suitable formats based on those available in our AdSense account. Adsense Advertisements In the Sidebar How to implement This is one of the easiest areas to put AdSense. Just go to the Page Elements ( Layout ), click on the " Add a Gadget " link, then add an HTML/Javascript widget with your ad code inside it or add directly an AdSense widget. Recommended formats : 125 × 125, 120 × 600 and 160 × 600, 300 x 600 Between posts Implementation.  You can add AdSense ads between your posts by going to Layout , click on the " Edit " link below the  Blog Posts  section, then check the " Show Ads Between Posts " option.

Top 5 Ways to Make Money without Adsense

 Last Updated on  24/04/2016  by Sonu Mehla   70 COMMENTS You adsense is BANNED ? Why you blog if you don’t have adsense ? I know you are thinking the same as I mentioned above  But to be honest I don’t like adsense too much that’s reason I removed adsense from this blog. But if your don’t have adsense than you don’t need to worry about that as today we are discussing Top 5 Ways to Make Money without  Adsense.. The dominance of Adsense in the ad serving market has seen it assuming tyrannical stand with the rejection rate for ad publishing applicants deplorably higher. However, with a

9 Smart Ways To Boost Reader Engagement On Your Blog

Are you struggling to get your readers to engage with your blog? When I started blogging, I struggled too. But then I found that people who have an engaged audience on their blogs have this one thing in common: Their content is interesting. “How can I make my content interesting?” Well, that’s what I will be answering in this guide. I know how it feels when your readers read all your posts but don’t take the time to comment or share. I know it hurts. Reader engagement is the key to building a massive community of fans. Your readers engage with your blog in a lot of different ways. This engagement could take place in any of the following forms: Commenting on your blog posts Sharing your blog posts Navigating to another blog post Subscribing to your newsletters Or simply taking some action Reader engagement is also a search engine ranking factor. Google uses the bounce rate of your website to measure Reader Engagement. Bounce Rate is simply the percentage of v

CustomizeMe Blogger Template (Helplogger Style)

CustomizeMe is a highly customizable Blogger template and SEO optimized to index your blog faster. It has been designed in a way that it can be easily customized according to your needs without having to touch the code of your template. All you need to do is to hit the "Customize" button and you are ready to start customizing your blog. Just try the template settings and be creative with the theme fonts, colors and backgrounds. Some of the Template Features include: - Both Flat and Grid Design - Sticky/Fixed Left Navigation Menu Bar - Customized Popular Post - Recent Posts - Recent Comments - Page Numbering - Expandable Search Bar - Floating Social Bar Widget - Author Bio with Image - Related Posts with Thumbnails - 404 Error Page  - Seo friendly

Styles Like Helpogger (Author can be reached at By- Sonu Mehla Mobile- 8285910007 E-Mail-