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Meet the youngest Chartered accountant, just 19 years of age

Chartered accountants have become immobile Naraynm country's youth. Retainers are just 19 years old. Nisclne just 9 years old his father devised the company's balance sheet manipulation. Since then, it is decided that it is rich of extraordinary ability retainers. Mathematics genius known as the guileless.
Innocently at the age of just 19 years ICAI (Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, The) have passed the test but its members as ICAI to associate and will have to wait two years because of ICAI to associate any member at least 21 years of age should be. Only then would be authorized to sign the balance sheet retainers.
CA has recently passed innocently. Being told that the youngest innocently passed the test of the country is considered one of the toughest exams. The mathematics genius has the distinction of guileless. They have made their mark in mathematics and as a winner in several international competitions have brought laurels to the country.
Guileless youngest double world record holder in Guinness' titles have achieved. The youngest World Memory Champion, he won the respect has proved itself. Seven Brilliant Brains of the World (National Champion recognized by), he won the competition. Osmania University as well as the youngest graduate in B.Com and M.Com, he made history.

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